Third Grade Book interviews
For the 2018-2019 School year we recorded our book interviews using SeeSaw.
Sophia O's Interview
Jazlee's Interview
Amelia's Interview
Isabella's Interview
Niko's Interview
Ryan's Interview
Demetrius's Interview
Alex's Interview
Read, Write, Speak - Students create a book interview using Online Voice Recorder. Students save the MP3 to their drive and share it with Mrs. Castro. A QR code linking to the MP3 will be printed and pasted in the front of the book. The QR Code Extension can be added to each student chromebook account. The extension then can be used to scan the QR codes and listen to the reviews. The QR codes are found below. Want to create your own secret codes visit QR Stuff.
Teachers can use Sound Cloud to upload mp3 and get an embedded player like those below. Use an Audio Trimmer if you need to do any "fixing".